Taking Back Joy


I am reading Option B by Sheryl Sandberg and want to share what she has to say in her chapter, Taking Back Joy:

p. 99: “Allowing ourselves to be happy—accepting that it is okay to push through the guilt and seek joy—is a triumph over permanence. Having fun is a form of self-compassion; just as we need to be kind to ourselves when we make mistakes, we also need to be kind to ourselves by enjoying life when we can. Tragedy breaks down your door and takes you prisoner. To escape takes effort and energy. Seeking joy after facing adversity is taking back what was stolen from you.”

On p. 101, she goes onto say, “Paying attention to moments of joy takes effort because we are wired to focus on the negatives more than the positives. Bad events tend to have a stronger effect on us than good events.”

She suggests writing down 3 things each day that bring us joy. Yesterday, one of things I noted was the warm sun on my face as I sat outside reading. Another was the idyllic landscape where I hiked earlier in the day.

I highly recommend this book!